Food Photography

Sometimes I just get the cooking urge. I love to cook, but usually I try to keep it to simple things  and rarely make dessert or an appetizer. But I had the day off, and had a really nice bottle of wine that I'd been waiting to drink, and some steaks that needed to be made. So I kinda went all out. What started as making steaks for dinner turned into steaks with brussel sprouts with pancetta and breadcrumbs, followed by a dark chocolate tart with ginger crust. And of course we need an appetizer so why not just throw some bruschetta in there as well? Might as well bust out our never used wedding candlesticks and our decanter as well, and get a second bottle of wine just in case. Its a slippery slope my friends. But here are some pics of our delicious meal being prepared. Minus the steak. It turns out that my steak photographing skills are not up to par, and it looked absolutely disgusting.

Side note: The tart and brussels sprout recipes are from Smitten Kitchen

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