Orson Restaurant Wedding- Amy & Steven

I knew right when I met Amy & Steven that their wedding would be awesome. First off, we met for beers, rather than coffee, which is always a plus in my book. They also casually informed me that we may be kicked out of the park where the wedding would take place because they weren't actually allowed to be there. For some reason this made me like them more as well. Also, the guests would be parading down to the restaurant where the reception would take place, complete with a marching band, signs and banners. Now I was getting excited...

Unfortunately this was the year to plan an outdoor wedding and then have it rain (I think it happened  3 times for me, plus on countless other portrait sessions!) So rather than have the ceremony at a park, the entire wedding took place at Orson Restaurant, where only the reception had originally planned to happen.

Luckily the rain stopped for a bit so we could take some outdoor portraits, and the parade was just as fabulous inside as it would have been outside!

It was such a fun and relaxing wedding! Congrats Amy & Steven!


Venue: Orson Restaurant (www.orsonsf.com)
Band: Nice Guy Trio (http://www.myspace.com/niceguytrio)
Photo Assistant: Leda Mast (a couple of the photos below are by her! Great job Leda!)

Love, LOVE her peacock feather pin....

I said to Steven something along the lines of "Ok, do something awesome" He struck this pose, which I found quite hilarious.

Amy's family's reaction when they see her is priceless
